Terms and Conditions

These general conditions of use of the website regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of www.lecoquelicotshop.com, which the user of the portal must read and accept to use all the services and information provided from the portal. . The mere access and/or use of the portal, all or part of its contents and/or services means full acceptance of these general conditions of use.

The Terms and Conditions contained in this instrument will apply and will be understood to form part of all acts and contracts that are executed or celebrated through the offer and marketing systems included in this website.

The company reserves the right to modify the general conditions of use of the portal at any time. In any case, it is recommended that you periodically consult these terms of use of the portal, as they may be modified.

The user must respect at all times the terms and conditions established in these general conditions of use of the portal. The user expressly states that they will use the portal diligently and assuming any responsibility that may arise from non-compliance with the rules.

Likewise, the user may not use the portal to transmit, store, disclose, promote or distribute data or content that carries viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or harm the operation of any program or equipment. computer or telecommunications.

All contents, brands, logos, drawings, documentation, computer programs or any other element susceptible to protection by intellectual or industrial property legislation, which are accessible on the portal correspond exclusively to the company or its legitimate owners and are expressly reserved. the rights over them. The creation of hypertext links (links) to any component element of the Portal's web pages is expressly prohibited without the authorization of the company, as long as they are not to a Portal web page that does not require identification or authentication for access, or he himself is restricted.

In any case, the portal reserves all rights over the content, information, data and services held thereon. The portal does not grant any license or authorization of use to the user regarding its contents, data or services, other than that expressly detailed in these general conditions of use of the portal.

We will try to ensure the availability, without interruptions, of the services of this website, as well as the absence of errors in any transmission of information that may take place. However, due to the very nature of the Internet, it is not possible to guarantee such extremes.

Below we detail the Terms and Conditions:


To purchase products on the site, you do not need to be registered. The registration of each user will be verified by completing and subscribing the form that appears on the site and its subsequent submission. If not registered, the user must complete the data indicated in the purchase form in order to make the acquisition of products or services effective.

Users who register will not have to enter their data for each subsequent purchase they make. We will use the data of users who do not register exclusively for the purchase purposes made by the user, without carrying out any other type of processing of their personal data.


The user will enjoy all the rights recognized by the consumer protection legislation in force in the territory of Peru, and also those granted to them in these terms and conditions.


The products offered on this portal are only available for shipping within Peruvian territory and the countries detailed in the purchase form.


The products offered on this website may be paid through the following means:

  • For national purchases the payment platform is MERCADOPAGO.
  • For international purchases the payment platform is PAYU.

The customer will be able to access a selection of brand products for purchase. The products will be divided by categories indicating prices, sizes, measurements and colors if necessary. The customer must add the selected products to the shopping cart and review the shopping cart before proceeding to payment to ensure they have all the correct order information. By pressing Pay, the customer will be generating an order on the web and will go through a security review process before confirming payment and the total purchase by email.


Products purchased through the site will be subject to the shipping and delivery conditions chosen by the user and available on the site. The information on the shipping location as well as pick-up and reception times are the exclusive responsibility of the user. Le Coquelicot Shop will take a maximum of 48 hours to process the order if necessary and then dispatch it to the destination.


The prices of the products and services published on this site are valid only while they appear on it. Le Coquelicot Shop may modify any information contained on this site at any time and without prior notice, up to the time of receiving a purchase request.

The stock of the products will be clearly indicated in the information of each product and once it is sold out it will not be accessible. The decision to replace the product if necessary is the responsibility of the brand.


El hecho de que no hayamos ejercido o hecho cumplir cualquier derecho o disposición de estos Términos de Servicio no constituirá una renuncia a dicho derecho o disposición.

Estos Términos de Servicio y todas las políticas o reglas de operación publicadas por nosotros en este sitio o con respecto al Servicio constituyen el acuerdo y la comprensión completos entre usted y nosotros y rigen su uso del Servicio, sustituyendo cualquier acuerdo, comunicaciones y propuestas anteriores o actuales. , ya sea de forma oral o escrita, entre usted y nosotros (incluyendo, entre otros, cualquier versión anterior de los Términos de servicio).

Cualquier ambigüedad en la interpretación de estos Términos de Servicio no se interpretará en contra de la parte redactora.


These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Lima, Peru.


Puede revisar la versión más reciente de los Términos de servicio en cualquier momento en esta página.

Nos reservamos el derecho, a nuestro exclusivo criterio, de actualizar, cambiar o reemplazar cualquier parte de estos Términos de servicio mediante la publicación de actualizaciones y cambios en nuestro sitio web. Es su responsabilidad revisar periódicamente nuestro sitio web para ver si hay cambios. Su uso o acceso continuo a nuestro sitio web o al Servicio después de la publicación de cualquier cambio a estos Términos de Servicio constituye la aceptación de dichos cambios.


Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to info@lecoquelicotshop.com